Hour With Christ is a Christian organization or ministry dedicated to spreading the transformative power of the gospel by actively engaging in street evangelism (Matthew 16:15-16), reaching out to underserved communities, and nurturing discipleship(2 Timothy 2:1-2) in accordance with the biblical teachings of the apostles and Jesus Christ.(Galatians 1 8-11)

Our mission is to faithfully proclaim the good news of salvation, guiding individuals to encounter the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Through our street evangelism efforts, we seek to boldly share the message of repentance (Acts 2:38, Luke 13:3), forgiveness, redemption, and hope with people from all walks of life, empowering them to embrace a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus.

About Hour With Christ Ministries

Our principles

We believe in the power of faith in Jesus Christ as the foundation of our ministry. It is through Him that we find salvation and eternal life. (John 14:6)

Spreading the Gospel

Service to Others

Faith in Jesus Christ

We are called to serve others just as Jesus served during His time on earth. We strive to be a helping hand to those in need and make a positive impact in our communities.(1 Peter 4:10)

Our mission is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people. We believe in the transformative power of the Gospel and its ability to bring hope and salvation to all who hear it. (Matthew 16:15)

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